Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The Reason For This Blog/Everyone Shutup!

I have chosen to create this blog so that I can vent about many different things that I get frustrated about, and maybe vomit out some wisdom every once in a while. I'm warning you up front, I'm not the most eloquent writer, but I at least get my message across. So without further ado, welcome to my blog!

For my first official posting I've decided to vent about the insanity that has just engulfed our country. No, I'm not referring to the fact that Bush got re-elected, because I knew that was going to happen last year; I should note that I voted for Kerry. I'm referring to the insanity of my peers who believe that Kerry's loss has begun the downfall of our country. I've read away messages saying how our country is stupid, how we've failed, and how it's high time we move to Canada, and as much as I enjoy people's opinions, just please shutup. You voiced your opinion on who you wanted to win, and at this point in time, that's really all you can do. 58 million other people felt different than you, so their candidate won. THAT'S HOW DEMOCRACY WORKS FOLKS! Over 100 million people voted, the largest number ever, so you should be proud that the system works.

Now, I know why people are pissed that W. is still president of our great country, but they shouldn't be upset at that. They should be upset, and more worried, that in reality we have one major political party functioning right now. The Democratic Party has no platform, which is why they not only lost the White House, but major Senate and HOR seats. The Republicans will be running our country for the next 2 years, and it doesn't seem that it will change anytime soon, since they know how to get people to vote for them, since they have a platform based on morality and values, as well as American defense. The Democrats have no clear platform except to challenge anything the GOP does. So right now, the Democratic Party needs to realize that something needs to change, and quickly, because if they want to even think about controlling any part of the Federal Government in the near future, they will need a platform that is just as strong or stronger than the GOP and the Religious Right. Have I mentioned that I'm more or less a Democrat? Just wanted to clear that up.

Before I go, I would like to just make one last point. We are not in a dark time. What we're experiencing doesn't even pale in comparison to the Civil War and Reconstruction, or the Great Depression. Yea, we're in a deep hole internationally, and the Iraq conflict is gonna be around for a helluva long time, but we used to be an incredibly Imperialistic country that made many a stupid decision back in the late 1800s and early 1900s, overburdening our military, leading us into an isolationistic era. Yet, did our country collapse after these horrible tragedies? No. And on a final note, George W. Bush is not the worst president in the history of our country, nor is he the most evil. I'd like to point out that Andrew Jackson almost destroyed the entire American economy while almost killing off every Native American at the same time.

Pork pockets.


At November 3, 2004 at 3:05:00 PM PST, Blogger Yonner said...

I figured it out,
what I needed was someone to love me


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