Fuck this rain
You may have noticed I took down the road trip entry. I'm gonna rewrite it as a huge memoir thing...maybe.
Anyway, I'm sitting here thinking about shit since I'm bored out of my fucking mind. I'm not really depressed, just contemplative. I'm trying to figure out why my friends rarely call. I'm sure they're busy with tons of shit, but sometimes I'd just like to get a call. I also am trying to figure out how I'm supposed to make some more friends in the area, cause I'm starting to lack in that department. I shouldn't be sitting here typing this right now. I should be out doing SOMETHING with SOMEONE. Or maybe that's the problem...I'm expecting too much. I just can't wait to start work and school and be busy as fuck again. I need that. I need the craziness to make these down times worthwhile. I need more social interaction. My goal this year is to really be socialable and friendly and outgoing. It might backfire on me, but it's worth a shot. I just have to hope that things will start getting better soon for me socially. Or that I'll be able to cope with my seemingly lonesome lifestyle.